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Thank you! Our donors continue to empower male survivors of the sex trade and support their healing from trauma. Because of you, we can walk alongside Peter and provide hope in a time of desperation.

Peter had arrived in Chicago riding a Greyhound bus. He’d come from small-town America, where he experienced a painful childhood. After aging out of foster care and having no place to stay, Peter decided to take what little money he had and restart his life in Chicago.

A national survey* found that 41% of homeless youth are approached for sex on their first night on the streets. This was the case for Peter. In the first few hours in the city, he was promised friendship and security; he received lies and subjugation.

After almost 2 years of abuse and exploitation in the sex trade, Peter found himself back at the same Greyhound bus station. He didn’t have a ticket – he just couldn’t think of another safe place to go.

Because of our donors’ faithful support, Emmaus has adapted to meet our clients where they are – literally. When we got the call from a survivor who met Peter and knew he needed help, two Emmaus team members hopped in their cars and drove downtown. We shared a meal with Peter, prayed with him, and assessed his needs. Peter was resilient, but he needed help finding a safe place to stay.

Less than two hours after we met Peter, God made a way. Your giving allows Emmaus to find better solutions to the problems plaguing our clients. To meet the needs of our clients, we are partner with agencies to provide sustainable, trauma-informed housing. Because of you, we could offer a place for Peter to stay.

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