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An Important Invitation


“Can I have, um … a toothbrush?” Micky whispered almost inaudibly. He’s a very soft-spoken man and rarely speaks loudly enough for anyone outside of a radius of about a foot to hear him. Micky and I work well together because I have ultra-sensitive hearing, so I’m often the only one who hears what he’s saying. “Of course,” I nodded, and scurried off to find a toothbrush amidst all of the boxes that are currently stacked in what will soon be the finished Ministry Center.

When I returned upstairs, I heard José talking to Micky, telling him about a prayer meeting that some of the men were going to attend that Tuesday night. “I just wanted to invite you because I’ve been worried about you,” José expressed. “I wanted to make sure that you’re doing OK.”

Micky, loud and clear, responded, “You know, it means a lot that you would reach out to me like that and care. Not a lot of people do that for me, not even my own family. Being invited, that’s really something.”

Wow. Micky’s succinct comment really hit home for me that day. Isn’t it something to be invited? Loneliness is pervasive in our culture, especially for people like the men of Emmaus who are frequently forgotten and misunderstood. During this past holiday season, I was reminded that God invites every person into a relationship with him. It’s not coercion, forcing us to love him. It’s just a gentle invitation that we are free to accept at any time.

Watching José reach out to his brother in need reminded me what a powerful thing it is to be included and invited. That is the invitation that we offer the men of Emmaus: first, an offer to come to the table, then, to encounter the love of the living God.

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