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Craig* holds onto Hope.

We’ve not heard the word “Hope” much in 2020. A global pandemic, civil unrest, and a news cycle that goes from bad to worse make it seem as if hope itself is under siege. It’s no wonder that over the last six months I’ve often needed to remind myself of the scripture, “but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint,” (Romans 5:3-5)

Indeed it does not. Because of your support, survivors have still received services throughout the pandemic. We’ve provided virtual counseling and therapy to survivors while meeting many physical needs of those healing from trafficking and exploitation. In fact, the generosity of our supporters allowed Craig* to experience the hope that does not disappoint.

Before connecting with Emmaus, Craig spent years selling sex on the streets of Chicago just to survive. Like many victims of trafficking, Craig became trapped in a cycle of exploitation, substance abuse, homelessness, and incarceration. Throughout those hard times, Craig often encountered Emmaus volunteers and staff who always showed him kindness, love, and respect.
Last fall, Craig was released from prison and he was determined to rebuild his life. Our drop-in center was literally his first stop when he got out.

“I was just tired of that life. I was tired of messing up, but I needed help. I could not do it alone – that is why I came (to Emmaus). I wanted to be around healthy people who would help me get better.”

Today, Craig is doing better. In fact, he is doing great. He continues to meet goals in his life, and it is a joy to be part of his journey. Every day, we receive a text from Craig wishing us a ‘good morning’ with an emoji of himself – complete with his trademark ball cap and smile. He is passionate about empowering survivors to find healing and wholeness. Even as he recovers from “the life”, experiences homelessness, and endures a pandemic, Craig exudes HOPE.

While volunteering with Emmaus, Craig received some good news. Earlier this month, after a lot of hard work, prayer and patience, Craig finally received the keys to his first apartment.

“I don’t have a lot of furniture, but I don’t care. I’m happy and for the first time in years, I feel like I am stable.”

We celebrate with Craig on this milestone in his healing journey – something that would have not been possible without the prayers and generosity of Emmaus supporters. Please continue to prayer for Craig as he settles into his new place and supports other survivors on their journey.

But for more men and boys to experience purpose, health, and wholeness, we need your help.

Please pray -For our clients- that they would be safe, embrace their purpose and be freed from their bonds.  For our staff, pray for health, energy and wisdom.

Please give a generous gift to empower survivors and fight to end exploitation for all mankind.

Thank you and God bless

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