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Don’t judge a book by its cover


Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. —1 Samuel 16:7

We live in a very superficial world where people regularly judge on appearance. We would all probably love to say that we are not guilty of this, that we look beyond what is on the outside. Virtually all of us are influenced at times by appearance, however.

So often we look at what we can see on the outside, especially with our guys: who are unkempt, poorly clothed, and could use a shower and a tube of toothpaste. But God sees straight to the heart: our motives, intent, and character.

As we can see from God’s perspective, the outward appearance is not the best way to judge a person. We all know the old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Its meaning is simple: a person’s appearance, either their physical attributes or clothing, are no indication of their inner being. We need to be very careful because outward appearances can be very deceptive. There are people in this world considered beautiful on the outside, but their inside does not match their temporary exterior beauty.

A true child of God will reflect a humble spirit and love for God and others, as well as joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23). This is truly a beautiful person in the eyes of God.

Our guys are in the midst of transition, becoming that true child of God. Many come to us with a humble spirit, broken by life circumstances, wanting to change. We at Emmaus have the privilege of helping them in this journey, one that takes time, patience and love. And we are blessed to do it.

More blessed are we, of course, if we realize that we are on the same journey as they are, and adopt the same kind of humble and contrite spirit in our own lives.

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