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Finding Home: Jayden’s Story

A little more than four weeks ago, Jayden* was referred to us by an agency that recognized he had unique needs. For several years, he’d endured the trauma of trafficking and exploitation in Chicago and was desperate to be free.

He had dreams and goals for his life that faded further into the distance every day. He wanted out, but he needed help.

Because of our donors’ faithful support, Emmaus has been able to adapt to continue seeing clients and reaching males in need of help. We met with Jayden virtually and were able to determine his needs. Like many youths who sell sex in the winter to get out of the cold, Jayden needed a safe place to rest and eventually recover. Where he had been staying was not safe, but finding housing during the pandemic in the middle of winter would take a miracle.

And then a miracle happened.

Less than two weeks after we met Jayden, we called him to let him know we found a safe place. Over the past year, Emmaus has prioritized forging strategic relationships with service providers to allow our clients access to more resources. In the fall, we partnered with a trauma-informed housing agency who we then trained to meet male survivors’ unique needs. Our prayers were answered when the agency had a sudden opening and offered a place to Jayden.

There were many tears when we told him he had secure housing to escape the cold and be free from his exploiters.

He now has a place to call home as he heals and receives counseling and support from Emmaus.

Because of you, our supporters, we can celebrate this answer to prayer with Jayden. Your prayers and generosity positively impact hurting people, and your contribution is needed now more than ever.

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