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My Journey to Emmaus

mike-hughes-croppedMy journey with Emmaus Ministries began nearly 25 years ago, when friends shared their experiences volunteering at this “edgy” new ministry among men in survival prostitution. My background in the Army Corps of Engineers seemed about as far from that as possible, but I was drawn to Emmaus because of my friends’ passion.

Their stories of holidays spent at the Ministry Center encouraged me. Their descriptions of the abandonment and abuse faced by the men broke my heart. The love with which Emmaus served them deeply impressed me.

Several years later, I began volunteering with a ministry to ex-offenders. One of the men served by that ministry, with whom I’d developed a close relationship, began volunteering with Emmaus on Outreach. I met Emmaus’s founder, John Green, who mentored me through the challenges of supporting my friend as he rebuilt his life. I learned that the men of Emmaus faced similar challenges, and my sense of connection to them deepened.

When my work with ex-offenders came to an end, I prayed for a new place to serve. The Holy Spirit brought Emmaus to mind. My location and work schedule meant that serving on Outreach or in the Ministry Center wasn’t a viable option. When I asked if there was any way I could still be involved, however, I was invited to join the Board. I gladly accepted!

Today I have the privilege of using the insights and skills acquired in business and ministry to help guide the transformative work of Emmaus. Though I don’t work directly with these men, my work is an important contribution to the ministry.

The Lord has given us all gifts to use in his service. If you believe, as I do, that Emmaus’s work is close to God’s heart, I invite you to put your gifts and resources to work for the benefit of the men of Emmaus.

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